
The news that the Syrian government forces have re-captured Palmyra in Syria reminded me of the memorable time I spent there back in 2007. Palmyra is an ancient Semitic city, a UNESCO listed sight. Archaeological finds date back to the Neolithic period and the city was first documented in the early second millennium BC. Sadly,… Continue reading Palmyra

Panel Discussion at 10 am on Saturday 12th of March

March is always the most exciting month here in Beijing: Spring is coming and Beijing International Literaray Festvial will be on. The festival will kick off on Friday 11st of March. I’ll take part in a panel discussion the following morning. In Honour of International Women’s Day, this event will exame some of the most… Continue reading Panel Discussion at 10 am on Saturday 12th of March

Meeting a British politican

As a social commentator, I am frequently invited to meet to meet visiting politicians. Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting Jonathan Powell, who served as the Downing Street Chief of Staff under Tony Blair’s government. He was also the chief British negotiator on Northern Ireland. He subsequently wrote a book on Northern Ireland… Continue reading Meeting a British politican